Importing from Solspace's Favourites

Solspace's Favorites is a tremendously powerful favoriting addon for ExpressionEngine.

There's a lot of overlap in functionality between Favorites and Shortlist. If you need to move your user data from Favorites to Shortlist, there's a built in importer bundled within Shortlist, available within the Control Panel.

The import functionality can be found in the main addon nav inside shortlist called 'Import'.

Note: Always make a database backup before performing imports like this. Better safe than sorry

Mapping your Favorites to Shortlist

Favorites' items are very similar to Shortlist, with one notiable difference - Favorites has no concept of multiple lists.

When importing over to Shortlist, we import all items into a new list per user. You'll be asked for the list title and name to give this new user list. All the fields are optional, and if you don't set any, we'll just use your current site defaults (a list title of 'New List' is the default as supplied in the default download).

The interface will look something like this :

Shortlist CP interface for importing from Solspaces Favorites


List Title
This maps to the {list_title} variable. If not set will default to the addon default ('New List'). This gets cleaned and parsed, so to prevent duplicates per user.
List Name
Maps to {list_name}. Great if you're using Shortlist's named lists features. If empty this will be ignored. If the user already has a list of the same name, we'll import the items directly to that list instead of creating a new list.
Clear Favorites Table when done?
Optionally empty the data from the favorites table when done. This will remove the imported items out of Favorites (but leave the actual table entact).

Depending on the number of items to import this may take some time.

The import process is as simple as possible, but if you need a hand, or have another source you'd like imported into Shortlist, email Support and we'll give you a hand.