
Shortlist can be used in a number of ways. The simplest of this is to just keep a list of items for a user. If required Shortlist can be used to keep lists of external content.

Basic Example

Creating and managing a list of items that are standard EE entries.

External Content

Using Shortlist with exclusively external content.

Mixed Internal & External Content

You can freely mix up the content in your shortlists.

Sharing Lists

Users can easily share their lists with others. Other users can use shared lists as a base and clone them for their own lists.

Cloning Whole Lists (or items from)

When a user views a shared list they can have the option to add single items from that list to their own list or, in a single click, clone the entire list.

Ajax Actions

Make the whole process seamless. Add, Remove, Clone items all via ajax, with json returns.

Multiple Lists New!

Free as a bird, deal with as many lists as you'd like.

More Sharing Options New!

With the new options in 2.x, you can share lists in lots of more ways!

Guests vs. Members

Handle guests, members and the transition between guests > members effortlessly.