Multiple Lists

Don't get limited to a single list with Shortlist. With a few extra simple tags, you'll have multi-list support up and running.

Adding Extra Lists

To give your users a way to add extra lists, you'll need to use the {exp:shortlist:add_list} tag. That returns a url to create a new list for this user. Unless you pass a param of make_default='no' on this tag, the new list will become the default list for the user.

<a href="{exp:shortlist:add_list}">+ New List</a>

Will return something like this:

<a href="http://site.url/?ACT=##&..">+ New List</a>

Displaying Your Lists

Once a user has lists, you need a way to show both the lists and their contents. That's really simple, using the {exp:shortlist:lists} tag. It works exactly as you'd imagine, and simply loops over all the current lists for a user. Within those loops is also a sub-loop {items}..{/items} which contains all the actual list items for that list.

	<li><a href="{remove_url}">x</a> {title}</li>

{if no_results}You have no lists right now{/if}

Will return something like this:

<h5>Cheese List</h5>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> Brie</li>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> Cheddar</li>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> Stinking Bishop</li>

<h5>Wine List</h5>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> Red</li>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> White</li>
	<li><a href="http://site.url/...">x</a> Pink</li>

It's all really simple. For full details of the tags available, check out the full tag documentation.