Cloning Lists

List cloning gives a simple way for users to take items from a shared list and add it to their own list.

Cloning lists and items can take two forms : Cloning Single Items and Cloning Complete Lists

Cloning Single Items

Cloning single items is actually performed using the same {add_url} tag as normal. When a user clicks the {add_url} link for an item that's from a shared list, shortlist automatically marks that item as cloned from that list.

The end result is the same as if the user added the item normally, but it lets us keep track of who and where the items are added from.

Cloning Complete Lists

In addition to adding each item one-by-one a user can use the {clone_url} link to clone every item in a shared list to their own.

Using the {clone_url} is functionally identical to adding each item manually from a shared list, but it's much more convenient.

Note: When a user clones a list any items that may already be in the user's list are simply skipped. This prevents any duplicates from appearing in user's lists.