
When you open Seed you'll be presented with a view like this :

Seed basic mcp view

To get started, simply select the channel you want to create entries in, and how many entries you'd like to create.

When you've selected a channel, you'll be presented with options for each of the fields assigned to the that channel. For a basic channel with 3 fields, it'll look something like this :

Seed basic mcp view with channels

For each field (and the special title title field) you'll be presented with various options for their population.

Briefly, each field can have three population options :

  • Always populated - seed will fill in this field for every entry
  • Sparsely populated - this field will sometimes be populated
  • Don't populate - this field will never be populated

Start Seeding

When you're happy with your field settings, hit Start Seeding and Seed will go off and create as many entries as you requested, with the content based on the settings you defined.

More about fieldtype settings is avabilable here, and details on the dummy content generation is here.