
Installation is a simply a standard ExpressionEngine fieldtype and a module.

EE2.x Installation

  1. Upload the binder folder to your system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder
  2. Upload the themes/third_party/binder folder to your themes/third_party folder
  3. In your EE control panel go to Addons > Fieldtypes. Click Install on the Binder row.
  4. Add a binder type field to any of your field groups.
  5. All done. Visit Usage to see specifics on tags for outputting content in your templates, and more options for usage outside of Channel entries.
  6. There are optional global settings available in the Module settings view, to let you configure things like S3 keys and SSL overrides

Note: You'll need to set an encryption key in your site's config if you've not already got one configured